Thursday, March 3, 2016

Space Marine Battleforce- Complete!

I finally managed to finish my Space Marine Captain and Tactical Squad, so now my entire Battleforce is complete!

Here's my current army list:

Captain Fabian- 135 points
Power Sword, Combi- Grav, Frag and Krakk Grenades, Iron Halo, and Artificier Armor

Varus (Dreadnought)- 125
Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra Armour, Power Fist w/ built in Storm Bolter, and Twin-linked Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad VI
Veteran Sergeant Kanto with plasma pistol and powerfist 
9 Space Marines, one with Missile Launcher and one with Flamer

Battle Reports coming soon...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tactical Squad- almost complete

Here's my entire Tactical Squad- painted. I still have to add a name to the scrolls on two Space Marines, and straighten some things up. I will post another picture tomorrow.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dreadnought Complete!

Well I spent all my free time over the weekend and I managed to get my Space Marine Dreadnought finished!

As you can see his name is Varus.

And here are all my painted Space Marine models. I still have a Captain and the other half of the squad to do.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Combat Squad Complete

Here's half my Tactical Squad (the completed half):

I will start on the Dreadnought today.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Adventures in Warhammer 40k begin...

Well, I recently bought a box of Space Marines from Amazon, and I have several friends who have agreed to play. So I thought I'd start a new blog.

My Space Marines are from the Third Company of Ultramarines, so their shoulder pads are outlined in red (just so you know).

Here's a picture of my first Marine- I'll add the symbols from the transfer sheet tomorrow