Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Chaos Space Marine Army

It’s been a while since I last posted. Since then, I’ve gotten quite a few more miniatures, especially for my Chaos Space Marine warband, the Dread Host. I have a friend who is working on starting an Imperial Guard army at the moment, so hopefully we will be able to get a few games in sometime soon.

I decided to get a few pictures of the army completely assembled- please excuse the grey/ black miniatures, I’m still working on painting everything.

On the left flank, there is my Chaos Space Marine squad with the Mark of Khorne. In the center, my Raptors and Chaos Terminators, with my Chaos Lord Varrax leading front and center. On the right flank, I have another Chaos Space Marine squad, and a Dark Apostle leading them. In the back, a Rhino and Predator add some more armour to my force.

Next week is my fall break, so I should be able to get in at least one game and maybe a Battle report as well...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Space Marine Battleforce- Complete!

I finally managed to finish my Space Marine Captain and Tactical Squad, so now my entire Battleforce is complete!

Here's my current army list:

Captain Fabian- 135 points
Power Sword, Combi- Grav, Frag and Krakk Grenades, Iron Halo, and Artificier Armor

Varus (Dreadnought)- 125
Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Extra Armour, Power Fist w/ built in Storm Bolter, and Twin-linked Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad VI
Veteran Sergeant Kanto with plasma pistol and powerfist 
9 Space Marines, one with Missile Launcher and one with Flamer

Battle Reports coming soon...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tactical Squad- almost complete

Here's my entire Tactical Squad- painted. I still have to add a name to the scrolls on two Space Marines, and straighten some things up. I will post another picture tomorrow.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dreadnought Complete!

Well I spent all my free time over the weekend and I managed to get my Space Marine Dreadnought finished!

As you can see his name is Varus.

And here are all my painted Space Marine models. I still have a Captain and the other half of the squad to do.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Combat Squad Complete

Here's half my Tactical Squad (the completed half):

I will start on the Dreadnought today.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Adventures in Warhammer 40k begin...

Well, I recently bought a box of Space Marines from Amazon, and I have several friends who have agreed to play. So I thought I'd start a new blog.

My Space Marines are from the Third Company of Ultramarines, so their shoulder pads are outlined in red (just so you know).

Here's a picture of my first Marine- I'll add the symbols from the transfer sheet tomorrow